ISEC Vision

Lessons learned from investigations are applicable to many similar companies

Today, in 21th century global industrials have extended and developed. All these companies are responsible to provide a safe and healthy work environment for its employees and all personnel must follow the safety precautions and operating instructions. Despite all these precautions, companies may expose to hazard. Human errors, Equipment failures or other hazards causes accident and in this condition, prior experiences can help which methods should be used to control the exposure.

Investigation about accident and near miss is the most effective way to spread the information among the people. These scenarios can be shared with the industrial corporations all over the world and prevent the similar hazard.

Since 2009, ISEC has investigated accidents to determine the conditions and circumstances which led to the events and to identify the causes of accident.

ISEC has some steps for finding the causes of incident which includes: collecting the physical evidence, taking photographs, review of technical documents, interviewing witnesses such as plant employees, managers and even the neighbor plants personnel. After the investigative process complete, report is finally written.

Since the simulation of event and the producing safety video and animation about that have a great effect on the transfer of experience and lessons learned from the accident, after preparing the final report, ISEC produces the animation of the incident and released in public with the permission of the suffered company managers.

ISEC recommends that safety managers show these safety videos in public or private meetings and explain 
the technical and non-technical topics for better understanding. The lessons learned from these investigations are applicable to many similar companies and help them to prevent the similar incident in the future.

You can see some of the accidents investigated by ISEC in Investigation page.